Monday, September 28, 2009

Dimensions and Changes

Today was very informative structure of the class' study. Stages of Change is a great tool for counselors and clinicians. It includes great motivational strategies. When working on creating client's treatment plan, use of Stages of Change can be very helpful in designing treatment plan, evaluating client's progress and planning outcome. I like to see big picture first and then subdivide to subcategories and work one step at a time. Stages of Change helps to determine client's motivation for change throughout treatment process and helps counselor to make decision about most effective approach to practice.

ASAM dimensions underline comprehensive assesment and treatment plan and promote integration of knowledge about client's perspective.

1. Acute Intoxication and/or Withdrawal Potential
- Past history of serious, life-threatening withdrawal
- Currently having similar withdrawal symptoms

2. Biomedical conditions and complications
- Any current severe health problems

3. Emotional/Behavioral/Cognitive conditions and
- Imminent danger of harm to self/others
- Unable to function

4. Readiness to Change
- Ambivalent or feels treatment unnecessary
- Coerced, mandated, required assessment

5. Relapse/Continued Use/Continued Problem potential
- Currently under the influence
- Continued use/problems imminently dangerous

6. Recovery Environment
- Immediate threats to safety, well-being, sobriety

Supporting questions for each dimension of ASAM help to determine and clarify the placement criteria. I found that dimension questions can be quite practical. It was new material for me.
The American Society of Addiction Medicine's (ASAM) Patient Placement Criteria (ASAM PPC-2R) is guidelines for placement, continued care, recommendations and discharge of patients with alcohol and other drug problems.
Thinking about Substance Abuse professional field, it is life time dimension.

There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction Winston Churchill