Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP 35) is a practical guidance for substance abuse treatment. It based on experience and knowledge of clinical research. Major goal of TIP is to make applicable relevant updated information and recommendations toward practical implementation. Availability and access of Internet allow to provide latest updates for practices and make that information easy available.The TIP 35 focuses on Enhancing Motivation for change in Substance Abuse Treatment and presents main concept of motivation in new perspective as dynamic and changeable. The TIP 35 is helpful guidance for clinicians to emphasize and influence change process by supporting and respecting client's autonomy and still as a professionals being a part of change process. The TIP provides different motivational interventions, which applicable through all stages of change. Promoting motivation for change interventions, the TIP supports its wide use in clinical practices and treatment programs in United States.
As daily life continuously relies on changes in human services, technological, economical, social, political and other areas, it is important follow and implement improvements and new approaches especially in fields of substance abuse and mental health, where TIP 35 is playing significant role. Overall progress in therapeutical relationships comes with improvements and is inevitable when changes take place.